Mixed-media paintings rich with texture and colour

The following painting is for sale 🔴 SOLD! at

Art in the Park

Abington Park Museum, Park Avenue South, NN1 5LW

29 April to 29 May 2023

Open weekends 12pm - 4pm

🔴 SOLD: Agapanthimpsest

12” x 12” (30.5cm x 30.5cm) square acrylic, collage and graphite on wood panel.

Framed in a slim wooden inset frame painted white.


The name Agapanthimpsest combines the agapanthus subject with a palimpsest “something reused or altered but still bearing visible traces of its earlier form” and a nod to the various layers and stages the painting went through from start to finish.  Traces of the very first layers of ink drips, leftover paint and stencilling are still visible - if you know where to look!


Want to see more?

Only one painting per artist is included in this exhibition (and it happened to be the first sale).
But I have plenty of other paintings available in my shop for you to view or purchase. Why not check them out!


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Previous Exhibitions

Northants Open Studios Spring Open Exhibition, Lamport Hall, February 2023

Rugby Open Exhibition (Juried), Rugby Art Gallery and Museum, December 2022 - February 2023

Portrait Exhibition, Corby Rooftop Arts Centre, December 2022

Northants Open Studios Central Exhibition, Lamport Hall, September 2022

Heseltine Gallery Open Exhibition, Middleton Cheney, May 2022

Northants Open Studios Spring Open Exhibition, Lamport Hall, February 2022

Heseltine Gallery Open Exhibition, Middleton Cheney, December 2021