Autumn leaves paintings
A small series of small works created at a time when I should have been working on other things. Early October, leaves of all colours falling on the ground, my daughter collected several - and a stick - on the way home from school. She was interested in collecting autumnal objects after her class took a walk to inspire their autumn poetry! Her leaves inspired these pieces: I started off with blind contour drawing on a large sheet of paper using different tools, my favourite being the stick she collected dipped into acrylic ink. Additional marks were made using different printing tools, including textures from packaging on the gel plate and printing the leaves themselves directly onto the paper. Colour was added using transparent inks, then more opaque colours in various tints and shades using stencils and shapes torn from packing paper. The large sheet was then cut into 6 pieces and each piece worked on individually ending up with the three 8” x 8” paintings and three 6” x 6” paintings you see below. These paintings inspired another painting. In the end a good distraction!
The 8” square paintings have been mounted onto deep cradled wood panels painted with the pale green colour found in the paintings themselves. I created deckled edges to match the crinkly edges of the leaves. They have been framed in chunky white wood frames that are sturdy enough to sit on a shelf and hardware attached so they are ready to hang on a wall.
The 6” square paintings have been placed in an acid-free mount and backing that will fit a frame sized 8” by 10”. If you prefer, at a price of £70 each, they can be mounted onto cradled wooden panels with the sides painted white, perfect for sitting on a shelf and will brighten up any corner!
Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss framing options (and shipping costs). I have a small selection of frames available.