30 Apr 2024
Exhibition news
The above poster has all the details of our exhibition in Olney, Bucks - a lovely little market town with some great places to eat or grab a coffee. The museum has a beautiful garden (£4 entry fee applies) and you might just find Susan or I sketching there as we did a couple of weeks ago - photos below. I'll be sure to let you know the schedule nearer the time. We'd love to see you at the gallery, so please let me know if you are visiting.
Quick studio update
It's day 73 of the 100 day project, and I'm still going. You can follow progress on facebook or instagram
I've held my first workshop since my launch last month and have another booked in for this week. I forgot to take photos (must do better), we just got so involved. I'm very much enjoying working 1-to-1 or 2-to-1 in order to really tailor the sessions for each participant. Thursday's session will all be about botanical printing and layering. I'm setting alarms to remind me to take a couple of progress photos so I can share what we get up to!
What you get:
2-hour workshops in my studio in Wootton, Northampton, Uk.
£30 per person with a maximum of 2 people per session.
Workshop dates based on mutual availability.
Choice of 4 workshops - Gel printing basics, Gel printing layers, Gel printing advanced, Gel printing and collage - yet no workshop will ever be the same as I will tailor the experience just for you.
Take home everything you create.
I've signed up for Open Studios again in September 2024. I'll be open the last two weekends, but also weekdays in between, and I'm hoping to have some brand new work available at the Central Exhibition and in my studio.
There's something exciting to share with you next month too... nothing like ending an email with a cliff-hanger 😅
Bye for now,
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