1 November 2022
Procrastination, distraction or creative progress
And now for something completely different?
These beauties -
yes, you guys get first dibs so message me if you want to snap one up before Christmas / before I make them available (click image to view in more detail) -
only exist because I got distracted by some free "play dates" offered by Canadian artist Alison Watt.
You know when you have a list as long as your arm - or in my case it feels like both arms - do you also feel overwhelmed? Where do you start?
It seems like I started by doing something completely different! Something that wasn't on the list at all. Something that just popped up in a Facebook group and I thought "ooh - I'd like to have a go at that". The three play dates were offered over the course of a week at the beginning of October, on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I finished these pieces at the start of the following week.
Since then though, I've actually managed to make progress on my to do list. The leaves and processes undertaken in play dates has directly influenced one of the memories paintings I talked about last month. I used my new favourite stick to draw the leaves in ink, before working on them in transparent inks. And a daydream has seen progress on "The sugar bowl"; in that the painting now has a focus and a title!
So, while working on the play dates, and enjoying it immensely (the pressure is really off when following someone else's instructions), it also felt like I was procrastinating at the time. Using it as a distraction from the real work that needed doing: deadlines in November for two exhibitions with paintings to finish and frame. Yet the distraction has led to new pieces and re-invigorated ideas for current work and made me excited. Perhaps the play dates were actually the perfect way to make progress creatively.
I'd be interested to know if this is something you have experienced! Has taking a break and doing something different actually ended up making you more productive? Hit reply to share your story with me, I'd love to hear it.
In other news...
I'm now volunteering with the friends of the Heseltine Gallery. I've offered to help with their social media planning. This month I was lucky enough to steward the Matisse: Drawing with Scissors exhibition on loan from the Hayward Gallery Touring Exhibitions. So interesting to see the work. Pictured is my favourite piece from the exhibition. I love the variety in the leaves contrasted with the patches of same-coloured flowers, it has a really nice flow. I've learnt a bit more about Matisse and found a book called Matisse and Picasso, which I'd love to get a copy of to explore at leisure.
Bye for now,
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